Trinidad and Tobago Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors

Current President

Larry Tai Chew


The Life Underwriters Association is the professional Association of life insurance salespersons in Trinidad and Tobago.

In 1970 a group of salespeople came together to form an Association. This was mainly to facilitate those salespersons who qualified for the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table and needed to be affiliated with such an organisation. Also some of the salespersons were interested in educating themselves further and found the need to enroll for the Life Underwriters Association Training Course (LUATC) and needed also to be a part of a local Association. However this effort failed and in 1975 another attempt was made to form the LUATT. This effort was successful with Mr. Anselm Alexander being elected as the first President of the Association.

The Association struggled for a number of years and a decision was taken to make the LUATT Secretariat a part of the Joint Secretariat Corporation which facilitated the Trinidad & Tobago Insurance Institute, Association of Trinidad & Tobago Insurance Companies and the Academy of Insurance. During this tenure, Mr. Donovan Palmer carried the post of Registrar for this Secretariat Corporation and worked under the leadership of Mr. John Deane – Manager of the Joint Secretariat Corporation. In March 1985, the LUATT Board made a decision to go back on their own and operate as a separate entity to the Joint Secretariat Corporation.

The Association then housed its own Secretariat at 14c Saddle Road, Maraval with a staff of four – an Office Assistant, an Accounts Clerk, a Typist and the Executive Secretary in the person of Mr. Donovan Palmer. To date the staff number remains constant and LUATT can now boast of acquiring its own building to house its Secretariat at 129 Edward Street,
Port of Spain. The LUATT Building was purchased in 1994 and the Secretariat began its operations at this address in January 1995.

In 1985 LUATT with its new vision embarked on new projects viz a viz:  The first LUATT Newsletter was published to inform members and keep them abreast of pertinent matters relative to the industry. NIHERST, UTC & LUATT came together to train underwriters to market/sell Units on behalf of the Unit Trust Corporation. Twenty four senior underwriters enrolled and were facilitated by the following moderators/ lecturers.

 Professor Compton Bourne (U.W.I.)
 Dr. Terrence Farrell
 V. James (Formerly of the Central Bank)
 A. Mark (U.W.I.)
 R. Hinds & Clarey Benn (U.T.C.)

 The Constitution of the Association was revised to incorporate Chapters. The four established Chapters being – North, South, East and Tobago. The aim and objective behind this change was to relinquish some of the burden on the National Board in looking after the affairs of all salespersons in the different areas.

This meant that each Chapter was made responsible for the salespersons in their area on a more personalised operational basis. Each Chapter was structured with their own President and Board operating under the scrutiny of the National Board.

Also in 1985 the then President – Mr. Garth Thomas and some active Board and floor members had a vision to establish a LUATT Credit Union. This idea grew and the Credit Union was formed in 1986. Inspite of yeoman efforts to keep the organisation afloat, the Credit Union had to close its doors after a ten year span.

In 1986 due to numerous complaints re. our involvement with CALU (Caribbean Association of Life Underwriters) a decision was taken by the Board, after consultation with the membership to end this relationship. This took place in 1987. However in 1995 the powers that be felt that our relationship with CALU should be re-established to foster good relations within the region. Also it was felt that this renewed relationship would redound to the benefit of our members.

Continuing on its vision for progress and improvement, the Board members felt that the managers in the Association needed more and efforts were put in train to establish an Association exclusively for managers. Through GAMA (General Agents and Managers Association) LUATT was able to establish the GAMATT (General Agents and Managers Association of Trinidad & Tobago) in 1986. Unfortunately interest in this Association waned and the Association closed its doors in 1989.

Under the guidance and efforts of Mr. Anthony Wilson-Maughn, the LUATT Board felt it wise to incorporate the Association. LUATT was no longer to be “The Life Underwriters Association of Trinidad and Tobago” but to be now known as “The Life Underwriters Association of Trinidad and Tobago Company Limited”. This came into being on November 18th, 1987.

In 1988, the Awards Committee proposed to the National Board the idea of establishing a “LUATT HALL OF FAME” to honour those stalwarts within the industry for distinguished service to the Life Underwriters Association, as well as for their contribution to the Life Insurance Industry. This was felt to be a fantastic idea and so the Hall of Fame was established with the first inductee being inducted posthumously – Mr. Cyril Duprey, former President of Colonial Life Insurance.

LUATT over the years has been invited to send representatives to Government Committees to make inputs on reform and other relative issues affecting the financial services sector. In 1997 the A.T.T.I.C. approached the LUATT Board with a view towards coming together to discuss issues and to make presentations on matters concerning the life insurance sector. This was felt to be a progressive move as together the LUATT and ATTIC would have a stronger voice when approaching the Government on such issues. To date these meetings are still being held to discuss various pertinent topics e.g. GATS & WTO.


Cyril Duprey (deceased) 1988 

John Sutherland (deceased) 1990 

David Evelyn 1991 

Hugh Eastman 1991 

Fred Williams (deceased) 1992 

Torrance Mohammed 1994 

Neil M. Jones 1995 

Ethelbert Paul 1996 

Hugo Mc Farlane 1997 

Alvin Alexander 1998 

Mr. Peter L. Knaggs 2000 

Mr. William N.Wiltshire 2004


In an effort to keep our members in touch as well as educated and to stimulate interest in the Association, many Sales Congresses were hosted by the Association under the stewardship of many great insurance men, namely:

1976  Unity & Professionalism Collins G.B. John (Mega Ins.) 1980  To Serve is to Succeed Mr. Peter Salvary (Clico) 1982   Get Involved Mr. Herman Creque (Tatil) 1984   Planning For Success Mr. Peter Knaggs (The Mutual) 1987   Dynamics For Change Mr. Fred Williams (Deceased) (formerly of Maritime Life) 1989   Faith In The Future Mr. Hamilton Smith (Deceased) (formerly of Nationwide Insurance) 1991    Catch The Tide Mr. Andre Baptiste (Maritime Life) 1993   Solidarity, Security & Stability Mr. Alvin Alexander (Algico) 1995   Doing It Right – The Blueprint Mr. Hugo Mc Farlane (Guardian Life) 1997   The first CALU Congress Seize The Day – “Carpe Diem Mr. Assad Mohammed (Guardian Life) 1999   Crescendo Amado Marcano (Guardian Life) 2001   The Undiscovered Country Garth Thomas 2003  Beyond the Boundary William N. Wiltshire (Guardian Life)

All these Congresses have been resounding successes and our membership continues to look forward to the staging of same.


Over the years LUATT has staged many Awards functions – numbering 18 to date. This function was established to honour the creme de la creme of our industry in various categories. The Awards function has grown into a grand show with constant improvements each time it is staged. Our members look forward to this event every year, where all the Life Insurance Companies submit information for their salespersons who qualify according to the LUATT criteria in the different categories. This inspires salespersons to work hard towards attaining these high standards of achievement.

Initially all the Awards were based on Annual Premium Income (API) with a standard persistency of ninety percent (90%) and above, but in 1995 all the criteria was revised and after ratification by the LUATT Board was changed in 1996 to First Year Commissions (FYC) with a 90% persistency for all categories with the exception of the Rookie of the Year which has a persistency of 95% and above. This change came about due to an indepth revision by the then committee with some learned members who felt that the playing field was not level enough and by changing the criteria to FYC felt this was a step in the right direction, also it was felt that since MDRT used FYC as their basis for qualification and being an international organisation, then LUATT would be well advised to align itself with same.

Another change with the Awards was the timing. In the past the Awards was held in the last quarter of the year and incorporated into the Sales Congress in a congress year. After careful study it was decided that the Awards should be staged in the second quarter of the year immediately after all the life companies have had their individual company awards. The chief reason being that when LUATT hosted its Awards Function in the latter part of the year the impact was lost as salespersons waited almost one year to be recognised for their efforts. In recent years, the Awards Function has been given a theme by which Committee members are inspired and to stimulate interest among the membership. Beginning in 1992 they were:

1992 A Touch Of Class

1993 Seekers, Showers, Sellers

1994 Climb Every Mountain

1995 Creme de la Creme

1996 Crystal Clear

1997 Legacies Through Leadership

1998 One Voice

1999 Andante (Embracing the future)

2000 Odyssey

2001 Sunrise to Sunset (cameo Awards formed part of the Congress)

2002 Synergy

2003 Dichotomy

2004 TTAIFA’s National Awards (1st under the TTAIFA Umbrella)


Leadership has been a key role in the life of TTAIFA and over the years we have been led by many of our members within the industry, who gave of their time and efforts freely. They are listed for your information.

1st President  1975      Mr. Anselm Alexander

2nd President  1976    Mr. Samlal Jadoonanan (Deceased)

3rd President 1977      Mr. Hugo Mc Farlane

4th President 1978      Mr. Kelly Harris, CLU

5th President 1980      Mr. Peter Salvary, FLMI

6th President 1981       Mr. Bernard Gregoire, CLU

7th President 1982       Mr. Herman Creque, MBA, CLU, ChFC

8th President 1983       Mr. Andrew Tappin

9th President 1984       Mr. Hugo Mc Farlane

10th President 1985      Mr. Garth Thomas

11th President 1986       Mr. Torrance Mohammed

12th President 1987       Mr. Alvin Alexander

13th President 1988       Mr. Anthony Wilson-Maughn

14th President 1989       Mr. Fred Williams (Deceased)

15th President 1990       Mr. Hamilton Smith

16th President 1991        Mr. Herman Creque, MBA, CLU, ChFC

17th President 1992       Mr. Alvin Alexander

18th President 1993       Ms. Pamela Solano

19th President 1994       Mr. Earl Alexander

20th President 1995      Mr. Steve Sumadh

21st President 1996       Mr. William Wiltshire

22nd President 1997     Mr. Norris Lovelace

23rd President 1998      Mr. Amado Marcano

24th President 1999      Mr. Noel Duncan

25th President 2000     Mr. Harry Goodial

26th President 2001      Mr. Bunny Alexander

27th President 2002-04 Mr. Maxim Marquez  (First two Year Term)


The Secretariat of the Association is the life-blood of the Association and the small staff work assiduously to ensure the smooth operational flow. The staff members are:

 Mr. Lyle E. Williams (Executive Manager) – 8 YEARS

 Miss Ann Marie Edwards (Administrative Assistant) – 19 YEARS

 Ms. Deborah Logan (Accounts Clerk) – 10 YEARS

 Ms. Marcia James(Accounts Assistant) – 16 Months

 Mrs. Rhonda Dasent-Alleyne (Clerical Officer) – 6 YEARS


Life Underwriters Association Training Course (LUATC)

LUATT in its quest and concern re. professionalism to enhance our membership resulting in a better equipped insurance salesperson, embarked on administering the LUATC Course. This course covered many subject areas and members had to successfully complete the two (2) parts to be awarded a certificate. This course was done through LUATT in conjunction with (Life Underwriters Association of Canada) LUAC . At first moderating of different classes was done by experienced volunteer members of the Association but as time progressed and graduates were now available to assist as moderators were chosen from the graduates and this formula is still in existence to date.

In January 1996 progress saw to changes in the structure of the LUATC programme and the course was broken up into three (3) segments viz a viz 101, 102 and 103. With this revised educational programme, each course would last from 12 to 15 sessions. Thus, the entire programme would consist of 42 to 45 sessions, a slight increase over the 40 sessions presently contained in LUATC. This structure takes three terms to complete, which is a contrast to the past structure of a 40 week approach. Whereas obtained in the old structure where students took approximately two years to complete the course, this new structure allows for the student to complete the entire course in one year

Certified Financial Planner

The Certified Financial Planner programme was also established in 1996. Due to the restructuring of the LUATC programme, the entire educational structure was revised to allow students more options in their pursuit for progress and to better equip them to deal with the changing face of the financial services sector and the more educated public.

Students in the past were required to complete the LUATC, then proceed to the Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) , and further to the Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC).

In the new structure, students are given the option of enrolling for the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) course of study and after successful completion, can proceed to the CLU course of study of enrol directly in the Chartered Financial Consultant course of study if they so wish, meaning the CLU could be eliminated from one’s personal study guide if they so wish.

All the above changes came about through the LUAC. In 1996 after Roytec’s approach to LUAC to have the CFP course as part of their curriculum for the banking industry, LUAC, Roytec and LUATT’s Educational representatives had several meetings to discuss same. Mr. William Wiltshire was LUATT’s representative and it was finally decided that Roytec would be allowed to deliver the CFP course on behalf of LUATT to the insurance industry personnel and a modified CFP course for the banking industry.

Diploma In Life Underwriting

In 1992, through negotiations with the U.W.I., LUATT established the Diploma In Life Underwriting course. It was felt that some sections of the CLU course that was being offered through the LUAC did not relate or apply to the Trinidad and Tobago scenario. The DLU course has seen some 25 to 30 graduates to date and negotiations are in train with CALU to have those who have completed the 12 subjects conferred as CLU’s. This would allow those successful students to apply to complete the ChFC course of study if they so wish.


The Association carries a membership of 804 members from eight (8) Life Insurance Companies viz a viz.: American Life & General Insurance Co. Ltd., British American,  Colonial Life Insurance Co.Ltd, Guardian Life of the Caribbean, Maritime Life (Caribbean) Tatil Life, Mega Insurance and SAGICOR.  There are approximately 1,500 life insurance salespersons in our industry, which gives TTAIFA a membership of 52% of the entire industry.  Efforts by the National Board are continuing to increase this percentage.

As we approach the new millennium, LUATT has begun to prepare for this new era.  Ideas and discussions are in train to make the necessary changes required to be prepared for the year 2000.

The L.U.A.T.T. officially changed its name to the TTAIFA after the membership agreed at our 2002 AGM, a resolution was duly passed at a Board Meeting on August 22nd and after crossing some hurdles the Registrar General’s Office which falls under the Ministry of legal Affairs authorised the name change through a certificate of amendment on march 5th 2003.

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