Jamaica Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors


Service to the Nation and Profession


I will be loyal to the insuring public and to the institution of the Life Insurance.

I will respect the confidence and interest of my clients, giving advice without bias and without regard for personal advantage

I will conserve the Life Insurance policies of all companies, not making derogatory statements.

I will uphold the Constitution and Bye-Laws and the code of ethics of the Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors to the best of my ability.


The Life Underwriters Association of Jamaica (LUAJ) was established July 4, 1932, is one of the oldest membership organizations in Jamaica. It is located at 72 Hope Road and is a non-profit organization which represents the sales force of the life insurance industry.

In 1998, under the Guidance and effort of the then President, Mrs. Marcelle Fenton the LUAJ Board saw it necessary to change the Association’s name to The Jamaica Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (JAIFA) in keeping with the global trend. After a lengthy deliberation the name change was effected in July, 2003, under the presidency of Mr. Glendon Gordon.



Leadership has been a key role in the life of the Jamaica Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (JAIFA) and over the years we have been led by many of our members within the industry, who gave of their time and effort. The attached list will help you to know who our leaders were over the years.

  • 1st President J.B. Kilburn 1932-1933; 1933-1934
  • 2nd President W.J. Palmer, J.P. 1934-1936
  • 3rd President Lister Mair, J.P. 1936-1937
  • 4th President Donald Hart 1938-1939; 1939-1940
  • 5th President Walter Butz, B.A. 1941-1942; 1942-1943
  • 6th President Oscar B. Burrowes, CLU 1943-1944
  • 7th President Lister Mair, J.P. 1944-1945
  • 8th President S.C. Wright 1945-1946
  • 9th President Lewis M. Earl 1946-1947; 1947-1948
  • 10th President Cecil S. Burke 1948-1949, 1949-1950
  • 11th President J.A. Williams, CLU 1950-1951; 1951-1952; 1952-1953;1953-1954
  • 12th President Lister Mair, J.P. 1954-1955; 1955-1956; 1956-1957
  • 13th President George Bowen 1957-1958; 1958-1959; 1959-1960
  • 14th President Duncan Hughes, CLU 1960-1961; 1961-1962
  • 15th President A.D. DeLeon, J.P. 1962-1963; 1963-1964
  • 16th President Oliver E. Jones, CLU 1964-1965; 1965-1966
  • 17th President A.B. Foreman, CLU 1966-1967; 1967-1968
  • 18th President Norman Bigham 1968-1969
  • 19th President Donald Davidson, CLU 1970-1971
  • 20th President A.Tennyson Palmer, CLU 1971-1972
  • 21st President Michael Fraser, CLU 1972-1973
  • 22nd President Clarence Denny 1973-1974
  • 23rd President C. Earl Anglin, CLU 1974-1975
  • 24th President L.H. Morrison, CLU 1975-1976
  • 24th President D.A. Williamson, B.B., (Hons), CLU1976-1977
  • 26th President Dennis Leon 1977-1978
  • 27th President Gladstone Pottinger, CLU 1978-1979
  • 28th President Thomas James, CLU 1979-1980
  • 29th President Lloyd Vermont, MJIM 1980-1981
  • 30th President Owen Thompson 1981-1982
  • 31st President Winston Wright, CLU 1982-1983
  • 32nd President Ossel G. Campbell, CLU 1983-1984
  • 33rd President H. John Patterson CLU 1984-1985
  • 34th President Errol Brown, CLU 1985-1986
  • 35th President Neville Anderson 1986-1987
  • 36th President Phillis Johnson, B.A., CLU, FLMI 1987-1988
  • 37th President Errol Maye,CLU 1988-1989
  • 38th President Godfrey McAllister. B.Th., CLU, J.P. 1989-1990
  • 39th President Earl Moore, CLU FLMI 1990-1991
  • 40th President Delton Phillips, B.Sc., CLU, FLMI 1991-1992
  • 41st President Emma Thomas, CLU, Ch.F.C., FLMI 1992-1993
  • 42nd President Phillipa Beckford 1993-1994
  • 43rd President Cosmo Walker, CLU, Ch.F.C. 1994-1995
  • 44th President Leroy Ivey, CLU 1995-1996
  • 45th President Franklin Johnson 1996-1997
  • 46th President Marcelle Fenton, CLU, Ch.F.C., FLMI, B.A 1997-1998
  • 47th President Rudolph Jackson, CLU, B.Sc. 1998-1999
  • 48th President Courtney Golding 1999-2000
  • 49th President Alvin Patterson,CLU 2000-2001
  • 50th President Bethyan Swaby, CLU, Ch.F.C 2001-2002

  • 51st President Glendon Gordon, B.Sc. ACIB 2002-2003
  • 52nd President Colleen Flynn, CLU, Ch.F.C, MBA 2003-2004
  • 53rd President Doneth Brown Reid, CLU, Ch.F.C., MBA 2004-present

 The Association’s primary function is to:

  1. Minister professional education courses
  2. Promote the adoption of high standards of ethical conduct in the profession
  3. Provide the linkage with the life insurance industry, Life Underwriters Associations worldwide and the government.


JAIFA is committed to the development of its members and this is achieved through the educational programmes and motivational seminars which are offered.  At present, JAIFA offers four professional courses: 

  1. The Insurance and Financial Advisors Training Course (IFATC) which is a three part course.
  2. The Certified Financial Planner (CFP) which is a six subject course, 
  3. The Chartered Life Underwriters which is a six part course done in conjunction with Canadian Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors                                                                                                                                       
  4. Chartered Financial Consultants course which is the final rung on the life

Insurance professional education ladder


The Code of Ethics, based on the Insurance Act, governs the professional conduct of the life insurance sales representatives.  JAIFA acts as the “watchdog” to ensure that these standards are kept.


JAIFA is the link between its members and:

  1. a) Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)
  2. b) Caribbean Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (CARAIFA)
  3. c) Canadian Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (CAIFA)
  4. d) The Life Insurance Companies Association of Jamaica – LICA

Through these links members are given the opportunity to qualify for:

  1. Caribbean Quality Awards (CQA)
  2. Caribbean Sales Achievement Awards (CSAA)
  3. Caribbean President Circle (CPC)
  4. Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)


In order to keep the members in touch and to stimulate interest in the Association JAIFA staged many Sales Congresses under the stewardship of some of our very influential insurance men and women, namely:

  • 1987 (JAIFA) “Determination to Achieve” Godfrey McAllister  
  • 1989 (JAIFA) “Persist & Succeed”  
  • 1991 (CARAIFA) “Overcoming the Challenges” R.M. “Jim” Parks  
  • 1995  (CARAIFA) “Commitment” Robert Robinson  
  • 1997  (JAIFA) “Putting Focus in the Future” Errol Brown  
  • 2000 (CARAIFA) “Picture the Possibilities” Courtney Golding  
  • 2004 (JAIFA) “Raising the Bar” Doneth Brown-Reid  

    In 2006, JAIFA will host the next CARAIFA Congress. 



JAIFA awards members of the Association each year for outstanding performances.  These awards are life insurance industry awards and agents in different companies compete for the various awards. 

These awards are given in recognition of:

  1. Membership Communication Committee (MCC) representative of the year
  2. Agent of the Year for each company
  3. Top Ten Production Members of the year
  4. Top three agents – First year commission (earnings from new business in that year)
  5. Awards top Three Agent – Cases
  6. Production Member of the year – the agent who earns the highest first year commission and who has a low percentage of lapse cases. 
  7. Association Member of the year – this person must be a member of JAIFA for at least ten (10) years and is involved in industry and community activities
  8. To encourage productivity, JAIFA organizes competitions annually.


Several organizations have been born out of JAIFA.  Some of these are:

  • I. The Insurance Employees Co-operative Credit Union (IECCU) which was incorporated in 1977.
  • I. Caribbean Association of Insurance and Financial Advisor (CAIFA) formerly Caribbean Association of Life Underwriters (CALU) which was formed during 1977 -1978 administrative year. 
  • I. The LUAJ/ Tennyson Palmer Basic School in Montego Bay.  The school was adopted by the government as a model school.  This was a project of JAIFA’s Western Chapter.


JAIFA provides for the interaction of its members with the wider community through its Outreach Programmes.  Each year the Association targets a community need and raises funds to offset the cost.  The Association’s outreach programme has provided funding for needy students at both secondary and tertiary institutions.  A UWI scholarship fund was set up in 1977 and several persons outside of the life insurance industry benefited.  Our association with the UWI came to an end in the late 1990s during the fall out of the financial sector.   However, the membership rallied with extra fundraising activities to ensure that the scholarship recipients were not affected.

Our most recent projects are:

  • 1999 – 2000 Assistance in providing a computer lab for Penwood Comprehensive High School. 
  • 2000 – 2001 Funding for the establishment of a reading-room at Sir John Golding Centre formerly Mona Rehabilitation Center 
  • 2002 – 2003 Funding for provision of medication for children at “Dare to Care”,  a hospice for children living with AIDS.  
  • 2003 – 2004 Assistance with the Golden Age Home.Assisting the Million Dollar Round Table and Valmarks International to provide mobility for over 300 physically challenged persons as assisting with the building of a playground for children in the New Haven Children Home.

JAIFA was the first organization in Jamaica to raise funds for AIDS support and in particular pediatric HIV/AIDS and so the Association is targeting this group of persons but with special emphasis on children with AIDS.  The plan is to provide the facility with an income generating project in 2005.


Over the years the main fundraiser hosted by JAIFA to assist the Association’s charities is the Annual Tag Drive, which has never been less than gratifying.  This activity is hosted during Insurance Week of each year.  

In July 2002, the Association celebrated its 70th anniversary in the form a dinner.

Current Board 2004-5

The current Board consists of: 

President Doneth Brown-Reid MBA, CLU CHFC


1st VP Pauline Channer

2nd VP Pauline Mckenzie-Fairclough 

Treasurer – Kenneth Roberts

Professional Development – Beauclare Leslie CHFC CLU FLMI

Directors: Uelma Nicholson

                  Donette Walker

                   Francine Richards

                   Kenrick Gilpin

                   Winsome Page-Stewart

                   Anlin Nembhard

The Secretariat:

Account Manager- Patrick Worghs

Secretary – Danet Knight

PDI Secretary- Loree Burrell

Caretaker – Wilbert Waite

Office Attendant- Beverly Mohammed

Receptionist- Shauna Johnson



The Accountant manager is responsible to the Board of Directors for the daily running of the affairs of the Association. He or she must report to the Board on a monthly basis.

This responsibility is exercisable in many ways, some of which are as follows:

  1. To be in charge of the entire JAIFA Office i.e. JAIFA General Office, the Professional Development Institute and be responsible for their proper functioning.
  2. To assist Board Members with mechanical and support services for their Committee functions.
  3. To assist the relevant committee with the proper printing and distribution of the Association’s Magazine.
  4. To assist in maintaining building and grounds in a state of good repair.
  5. In general, to represent, protect and advance the cause of the Association at all times before the Financial Services Commission and other Government Offices and any other institution or organization, private or public.
  6. To ensure that proper facilities are provided at all Association’s functions.
  7. To ensure proper and effective supervision of the staff/functions
  8. To carry out all accounting functions up to and including the preparation of monthly/quarterly/annual financial statements for submission to the Board on a timely basis.
  9. To be responsible for the effective reduction of cost of operations of JAIFA while maintaining total efficiency.
  10. Prepare for Board Meetings monthly ahead of time.



  1. To represent the Board on issues affects agents and clients and bring them to the Executive Body of JAIFA.  
  2. Coordinator of chapters to ensure full mobilization of all chapters towards a vibrant Association.
  3. Convene special meetings to study and pass, where necessary amendments to the constitution and byelaws of the JAIFA. Article 1 section 1 of the Constitution and Bye Laws.
  4. Liaise with LICA and the members on all matters concerning Government Legislation. In particular explore the exemption  of sales representative from Jury Duty.
  5. To establish a working Ethics committee that will be a sub committee of the Board consistent with article XII section 2 of the constitution and the review section “Commentary of Code of Ethics” of constitution.
  6.  To liaise with the Financial Services Commission on all old and new Regulations affecting Life Insurance Sales Representatives and sensitize the agents on the impact of CSME on their operations. 
  7. To discuss and determine by research and consultation the needs of the members, the policy- holders, the industry and the insuring public, those needs which require the Government to enact or amend Legislation.
  8. In addition to his duties as a member on the Headquarters and Property Committee, the IPP will be expected to serve as Advisor (Legal Council) to the Board on issues of a complex nature and which might require his guidance based on his experience.
  9. Prepare a 5 year Development Plan of the Association in consultation with the Board.




  1. To prepare a programme of activities for the ensuing year and a budget which be presented to the Board of Directors.
  2. Research and Co-ordinate along with the 2nd Vice President a training programme for staff of the secretariat and explore any opportunities that may be available for their growth and development with the Chairman of CLU Studies in the enrolment of CLU students and the selection of tutors for CLU classes.
  3. Report to the Board on all educational matters.
  4. Report on the progress of all Courses and Designations available or being pursued by our members
  5. Organize such seminars, as necessary, to enhance the professional development of all Life Underwriters.
  6. Ensure that course fees are collected and paid over in a timely manner. This must be included in your monthly report to the Board.
  7. All other functions as described in the Constitution Article XVIII and to operate within the guidelines of the Article.


  1. To liaise with the Caribbean Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors Education Committee in running the LUTC and LUTCF and other educational courses.
  2. To arrange for the enrolment and payment of course fees for LUTC etc students in CARAIFA.
  3. Identity and appoint LUTC and AMTC moderators for the programme.
  4. Plan seminars and mid year reviews for moderators.
  5. Meet with students with a view to solving any problem, which may arise in the programme.
  6. Find and arrange suitable venue for examinations.
  7. Communicate examination results to students, moderators, training managers and branch managers.
  8. Organize suitable appreciation function for moderators.
  9. Organize graduation for ALL course graduates.
  10. Work with relevant personnel to establish a Resource Center for the members of the Association.



  1. To work closely with the Accountant in performing the duties of financial control and ensuring smooth administrative machinery.
  2. Prepare budget of the year’s operation for presentation to the October Board of Directors Meeting.
  3. Monthly income and expenditure statements and cash flow forecast showing cash and bank balances and statements showing comparative figures as per the budget for the year 2003-2004 should be presented to the Board of Directors. By this medium, the Board will at all times be aware of the current financial status of the Association.
  4. Revise inventory of all equipment/furniture and fixtures and other miscellaneous items owned by the Association.
  5. Supervise and manage all fixed deposits and other investments of the Association subject to the prior knowledge and approval of the Officers of the Board of Directors.
  6. To supervise and monitor the expenditure of each committee to ensure that they keep within the approved budget. Also to ensure that no expenditure, which has not had budget approval or approval of the Executive I Board takes place. And also ensure that funds are used for the purpose for which they have been collected.
  7. To arrange a half-year budget review with each committee chairman, and to present budgetary adjustment if necessary to the board’s monthly meeting in February 2005.
  8. To prepare quarterly profit and loss and balance sheet statements for review of the Finance Committee of the Board.
  9. To prepare the final and audited accounts for the administration by August 18, 2005 for prior discussion by the Executives for presentation to 2005 AG.M.
  10. To identify all items of accounts receivable as at the end of the 2003- 2004 financial year and take adequate steps to collect such outstanding amounts.
  11. To ensure all statutory payments/returns are kept current at all times.
  12. To ensure all utility and mortgage payments are kept current
  13. To ensure a complete reconciliation and audit of the IAES accounts for submission to the Board.



Public Relations/ Community Projects

  1. To promote, organize and execute at least one major Community Project by June 2005.
  2. To be Vice-Chairman of the Fundraising Committee and to work very closely with the Chairman of the Fundraising Committee in implementing all Fundraising efforts.
  3. To prepare a programme of activities for the ensuing year and a budget which must be presented to the Board of Directors.
  4. To promote JAIFA using through Quarterly Newsletters and use of the Website
  5. Set up Panel Speakers for engagements at Service Clubs and such functions, schools etc.
  6. Establish and continue dialogue among JAIFA., L.I.C.A.,CARAIFA and the FSC and other affiliated bodies.
  7. To keep a close look at all companies advertisements to see that proper standards are maintained.
  8. Keep the name and activities of the Association in the public’s eyes.
  9. Work closely with the Social Activities Committee.
  10. Arrange for the media to be represented at all of the Association’s functions and to ensure that the Association receives proper and adequate coverage.
  11. Set up Press Conferences and make releases when necessary with the approval of the Executive Committee/ President.
  12. To manage the publication of all Supplements on behalf of the Board.
  13. To attend National AIDS Committee Meetings


  1. The Chairman shall arrange one major Fund Raiser for the Association. 
  2. Prepare a budget, which must be presented to the Board of Directors.
  3. To work in conjunction with the 1st V.P. in charge of Meetings and Programmes to stage the Gala Affair/Awards Ceremony.
  4. To plan a public Fundraiser during Insurance Week – Tag Drive/Celebrity Walkathon during Life Insurance Week



  1. To liaise with the Chairman of the Trustees of the Property Committee and that Department of the Secretariat responsible for managing the property to ensure that the property at 72 Hope Road is
  • (a) Adequately maintained 
  • (b) Always fully tenanted.
  1. To work with that Department of the JAIFA Secretariat responsible for managing the Property to see to it that tenants pay their rent on time and see to it that a good relationship exists between all parties.
  2. To see to the protection of the assets at 72 Hope Road.
  3. To examine ways of developing the property to its full potential and for the benefit of the membership. 
  4. To work in conjunction with the President to ensure that staff welfare and development is      done. Review methods of administrative processes and appraise at intervals. 
  5. Assist the Fundraising Committee.
  6.  Work with PDI Chairman to establish a resource center by December 2005


  1. To prepare a programme of activities for the ensuing year and a budget which must be pesented to the Board of Directors.
  2. Co-ordinate vibrant MCC Representatives as links to all Branches. 
  3. Plan High Impact Motivational Meetings for Blast Off and Quarterly Meetings of the Association. 
  4. Ensure that members receive proper notices for meetings.
  5. Prepare and circulate schedule of meeting dates for the year.
  6. Chair meetings of the Membership Communications Committee.
  7. To work in close conjunction with the Fundraising and PR Directors.
  8. Prepare a Awards Guidelines and distribute to all members of the Association


CHAIRMAN Director in charge of Meetings and Programmes.

VICE-CHAIRMAN Director in charge of Membership.

COMPOSITION One member from each branch of each Life, Brokerage Company and Agency throughout the island

FUNCTION To communicate as effectively as possible with all members in all Operation/Policies of the Board.

To have regular meetings (as required)

To inform members formally at regular branch meetings, of all activities of JAIF A.


 (Vice-Chairman of the Membership Communications Committee).

Membership, Welfare & Social Activities

  1. To prepare a programme of activities for the ensuing year and a budget which must be presented to the    Board of Directors.
  2. To organize a Sports Day/ Fun Day for the members of the Association. 
  3. To encourage members to use the available facilities and to stimulate better spirit of fellowship among members.
  4. See to regular induct ion of new members at Meetings.
  5. Give monthly report to the Board regarding total number of members and payment of paid up members. 
  6. Bring the concerns of the membership to the Board. 
  7. Liaise with other Committee Chairmen to ensure participation of the members. Set up a “buddy system” to promote active participation of all members
  8. Report new addition to membership on a monthly basis.
  9. Promote the use of membership pins.
  10. Produce membership cards and dispatch them in a timely manner
  11.  Improve the benefits to members 
  12. Assist with mobilizing membership support for JAIFA functions.
  13. Arrange Branch and Chapter Visits 
  14. To act as a vital and dynamic liaison between the members in the branches and the Board of Directors

In order to keep the members in touch and to stimulate interest in the Association JAIFA staged many Sales Congresses under the stewardship of some of our very influential insurance men and women, namely:


  1. Keep the Board of Directors completely up to date with the activities of the Chapter.
  2. Identify projects of a Public Service nature that your Chapter plans to implement during the Administration.
  3. Arrange for the President to visit and address your Chapter.


The President is ex-officio member of every sub-committee of the JAIFA Board, and he/ she chairs meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board.

The President is responsible for the effective leadership, management and coordination of all activities and functions of the Board of Directors.

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